Recommendations for the reproduction of ash plantations by silvicultural and silvicultural methods

Application field of development: forestry

Brief essence of the development: a regulatory document, put into effect on 01.04.2011, regulating the creation and cultivation of plantations of ordinary ash in conditions of mass drying of this species

The main advantages of the development: the use of the developed priority types of forest crops ensures not only the formation of a hardwood plantation, but also, in the event of possible drying out of ash in the future, provides a positive silvicultural effect due to the creation of mixed plantations, taking into account the biological characteristics of cultivated woody plants

Comparison of the development with analogues: for the first time, recommendations were developed for the reproduction of ordinary ash by silvicultural and silvicultural methods with the lowest labor costs in conditions of mass drying of this species

Relevance for the Republic of Belarus: a strategy for the reproduction of ash stands has been developed, according to which it is necessary to abandon the creation of pure cultures of ordinary ash, which allows you to get a guaranteed silvicultural effect even if the pathology of ash trees continues in the future. The implementation of the recommendations ensures an increase in the environmental sustainability of ash and an expansion of the biodiversity of forest plantations, as well as an improvement in the supply of high quality timber to the population. Introduced at forestry enterprises of Minsk, Vitebsk and Mogilev State Forestry Enterprise.  In accordance with the recommendations of BSTU, ash forest cultures were laid in 2009. on an area of 56 hectares, in 2010 – on an area of 172 hectares 

Commercial offer: field supervision