Plant growth regulator

PropertiesThe quantity
Mass fraction of dry substances,%9-11
PH value5-7
Active ingredient content,% of dry matternot less than 70
Nitrogen content,% of dry matter10-14
Potassium content,% of dry matter10-14

Form of intellectual property protection: patent 12825 RB “Method for processing technical lignin to obtain growth-regulating substance”

Advantages over analogues: a highly effective product obtained from natural renewable raw materials. Estimated cost is 2-5 times lower than foreign analogues

Development stage: passed long tests and showed high efficiency in the conditions of Borisov, Volozhin and Osipovichi forestry enterprises. The area of reforestation was over 600 hectares,

Technical and economic results: the use of growth regulators in forestry nurseries showed that the germinated energy of the treated seeds increases, the germination rate increases; grown seedlings have higher biometric indicators (by 20-30% in comparison with the control). The susceptibility to phytopathogenic fungi decreases 5-10 times. The cost of manual labor when growing planting material is reduced by 2-3 times.

The grown seedlings have a developed root system, losses during transplanting are reduced by 2-3 times

Application: forestry, agriculture

Proposals for cooperation with investors: contract for the performance of works