Description of the project: The essence of the technology is as follows: oil sludge containing asphalt-resin-paraffinic substances is subjected to sequential two-stage treatment with solvents, which provides firstly an oil product purified from resinous-asphaltene compounds and mechanical impurities, and then the paraffin concentrate is released. The main advantages of the proposed technology: due to the use of effective compositions of solvents, it is possible to obtain white paraffin suitable for use in protective waxes.

Main technical characteristics: application of two formulations of solvents based on industrial solvents; standard equipment; temperature regimes not exceeding 90 ° C.


The proposed technology in comparison with analogs allows you to increase the yield of paraffin by 2-6% wt. and improve its quality (tpl. paraffin wax increases by 1.5-2.5 ° C), eliminates the formation of non-utilizable products.

Oil sludge processing technology will make it possible to obtain additional raw materials for the production of protective compositions for various purposes; to reduce landfills for solid waste disposal; reduce the cost of protective compounds.