Integrated system of measures to reduce the number and harmfulness of stem insect pests in coniferous plantations

Purpose: i
n the conditions of destabilization of forest ecosystems under the influence of abiotic and biotic factors, accompanied by the massive development of harmful organisms, and primarily stem pests, an effective system of measures is needed to protect plantations from insects – xylophages.

Brief description: measures were proposed and tested to regulate the number and reduce the harmfulness of coniferous bark beetles, an assessment of their biological effectiveness was given, and on this basis, a concept and a system of integrated protection against stem pests and recommendations for production were developed, including features of xylophage counting, organization of supervision and development forecast, requirements for protective measures.

Advantages: this is the first time such a development has been performed. The development differs from existing analogues, including in neighboring countries, not only by the integration of existing methods and techniques for limiting the number and harmfulness of xylophages, but also by changes in the regulations and the order of sanitary and recreational activities, which increases their biological effectiveness by 2.3–3 , 1 time.

Form of intellectual property protection: patent 9660 RB “Composition for protective wood processing”. “Recommendations for the regulation of the number and reduction of harmfulness of stem pests in coniferous plantations” are included in the Register of technical regulatory legal acts on 01/18/2011 under No. 000189.

Technical and economic results: as a result of the introduction of a system of protective measures, it is possible to prevent from settling with xylophages and drying out of 10.9–29.2 m3 / ha of spruce wood in the foci of stem pests. The expected prevented damage from the decline in wood quality is 184.0-743.5 thous. rub / ha per year.