Compositions based on polypropylene containing recycled polymer material

Purpose: for the production of polypropylene film yarn

Brief description: compositions contain from 10 to 20 wt. % recycled polypropylene, as well as various modifying additives that prevent a decrease in the physical and mechanical properties of the material

Advantage compared to analogues: the use of compositions containing secondary raw materials in the manufacture of products allows you to reduce the cost. At the same time, the main physical and mechanical characteristics of the material are preserved

Development stage: compositions are being tested in experimental-industrial conditions RUE “Svetlogorsk Production Association” Khimvolokno “

Technical and economic results of implementation: reduction of production costs due to the use of technological polymer waste

Scope: the developed compositions can be used in the production of threads, which are intended for the production of bags, big bags, containers for wagons

Proposals for cooperation with investors: contract for the performance of works