Bids under Belarus-Ukraine Territorial Cooperation Program

Emotional: Territorial CooperationS
orca filing, up to: May 1
9, 2016Acle: Magistrates, graduate students, fa
cultyAddive information:

On January 20, 2016, the 1st competition of applications within the framework of the Belarus-Ukraine Territorial Cooperation Program will start. The final deadline for submitting applicat

ions within the framework of the competition is May 19, 2016.The program will provide an opportunity to establish cross-border cooperation with the participation

of various partners – local residents, institutions, orga

nizations, enterprises and communities – in order to make the most of the opportunities for joint development of the border regions.

  • Belarus: Brest and Gomel regions.
  • Ukraine: Volynskaya, Kiev, Jitomirskaya, Kiev, Rovnenskaya and Chernigov region.

The Belarus-Ukraine Territorial Cooperation Program provides projects in three operational tasks: I. Impr
oving the living conditions of local communities in the border regions through joint projects in support of socio-economic development.
Ii. Addressing common environmental, employment, health and other areas of common interest and cross-border importance. 
Iii. Cul

ture, education and sports. Typically, project activities must be in line with the objectives of the programme. The immediate results of projects should have some effect on both sides of the border within the territories covered by the programme.

The non-profit rule applies to all projects funded by the programme, i.e. projects implemented under the programme cannot pursue profit-making objectives. There will be no support for commercial activities in the sense of state aid.

The project lasts at least 9 (nine) and a maximum of 18 (eighteen) calendar months.

Project funding will be a maximum of 90% of the project's total allowable costs and the remaining amounts must be co-financed from other sources. The grant amount is a minimum of 60,000 euros and

a maximum of 250,000 euros.

  • Regional and local governments, as well as the organizations they set up;
  • Non-governmental and non-profit organizations implementing projects that are of national interest.

For more information about the Belarus-Ukraine Territorial Cooperation Program and the applicant's package, visit the official website of the EU Territorial Cooperation Programs (

ukraine.html).Read the official announcement of the opening of the application contest here (

/page/cat /3/belarus—ukraine/).For more information and advice, please contact the Contact Of the Belarus-Ukraine Minsk Territorial Cooperation Program,
Aleksandr Vlaskin:E-mail:

ephone: q375 (33) 683 11 92In regions, the program will host information days for potentia
l applicants: February 1, 20
16 Brest, February 2, 2016 Pi
nsk, February 3, 2016 – Homel.