Scientists have created a substance that is spirally swirling sheets of graphene

Due to the exceptional characteristics of graphene, such as electrical and thermal conductivity, they were interested in many scientific groups. Also of interest are many modifications of graphene, including spiral, which in practice has not been possible to obtain.

The synthesized substance is called hexaperigexabenz[7]ogelicene and consists of 13 connected benzene rings forming one spiral revolution. Helicoidality (i.e. spiral) was confirmed by X-ray crystallography, which also revealed the presence of molecules swirling both clockwise and against.

Previously, such a structure existed only in theory. The article with the results of the experiment is published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

"Helicoid nanographic is the first time it has been obtained," commented Kenji Matsuda, head of the co-operation group at Kyoto University. "We will try to increase the surface area, as well as make the spirals longer. I'm guessing a lot of new physical properties will be discovered