New prospects for the development of cooperation between Belarus and Australia in the field of science, technology and innovation

The Australian Government Science and Research website provides information on networking and collaboration opportunities between scientists in Australia and around the world.

One of the tools for intensifying international cooperation between representatives of the Australian innovation system (AIS) and scientists from other countries was the preparation of the publication “Partnering with Australia on innovation, science and research”. This brochure contains detailed information on the specifics of the activities of AIS participants with links to official sites.

AIS is a network of organizations united by a common goal of creating and using new knowledge and technologies of economic and social value. A key role in the AIS belongs to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia’s largest and most diversified research center.

For the development of cooperation with Australian researchers, it is proposed to address targeted Australian institutions with proposals for cooperation.

For more information: Par
tnering with Australia on innovation, science and research catalog

Source: OMNTIS GU “BelISA”