Construction of track pavement of temporary timber roads using the sidewalls of worn-out tires

Purpose: the track pavement is arranged on temporary logging highways (access roads, branches, whiskers), characterized by an insignificant freight turnover and a short service life (1-3 years), and is designed for the load from logging road trains based on MAZ, Ural and ZIL. Recycled car tires are used for the production of belts.

Development advantages:

  • increasing the bearing capacity of soil foundations of timber roads;
  • increased adhesion coefficient;
  • ensuring the passability of wheeled forest transport on waterlogged areas by reducing the area of direct contact of the wheels of the road train with the ground.

Technical characteristics of the coating:

Overall dimensions of belt links, m 0.9×5.9×0.15
The number of sidewalls required to assemble one link of the tape, pcs.12 
Required number of belt links per 1 km of road, pcs.370