Flowers / Flowers 2018
September 12 – 14, 2018, Russia, Moscow, International Exhibition of Crop and FlowerIng, Landscaping and Beautification, Landscape Urbanism
XXV International exhibition of crop production, flowering, landscaping, landscaping and landscape urbanism “CVETY-2018” will be held on September 12 – 14, 2018 in VDNH, Pavilion 75.
Benefits of visiting Flowers/Flowers 2018:
- A wide range of goods and services.The exhibition provides an opportunity to comprehensively study the market offerings, compare many offers and find a solution that best meets the needs.
- Information and knowledge.The exhibition provides an opportunity to explore new products and ways of their application, assess the market situation and industry trends, find ways to solve problems, improve professional qualifications by attending the events of the business and scientific program of the exhibition.
- Personal contacts and professional socialization.The exhibition allows you to support and establish new business relationships in the format of live communication, share experiences, opinions, discuss topical topics and industry news.