Implementation of innovative developments of the Department of Chemical Wood Processing into industrial development
Within the framework of a meeting of representatives of the Bellesbumprom concern, pulp and paper enterprises, the Krasnaya Zvezda Paper Mill, Svetlogorsk pulp and paper mill, Belkarton Branch, Belorusskiye Oboi Holding Management Company, Slonim Cardboard and Paper Mill, Albertin ”, RUE“ Newsprint Plant ”, OJSC“ Paper Mill “Spartak”, OJSC “Munix”, Branch “Dobrush Paper Mill“ Hero of Labor ”, the Department of Chemical Wood Processing and the International Information and Analytical Center for Technology Transfer, the issues of introducing the developments of the department were discussed during 2017 at pulp and paper mills.
The main purpose of implementing these developments is to save imported chemicals and improve product quality without significantly increasing the cost. The representatives of the concern especially noted the need for industrial development of innovative technologies.
The main tasks that need to be solved by enterprises with the help of BSTU scientists are to maintain and increase the physical and mechanical properties of paper when using waste paper of a given quality, solving issues on disposal of osprey and wastewater treatment.